Merry Christmas

It’s a well known fact, to those close to me, that I’m a bit of a humbug during the Christmas season. Don’t get me wrong, I am more that excited that Jesus came to earth as God’s provision for my sin. I genuinely celebrate that each time I transgress and ask for forgiveness. God is amazing and well worthy of our praise. His plan to redeem fallen man is beyond human imagination. For God to become flesh and not only dwell with His creation but to come as a servant is sometimes incomprehensible. Yet, as we celebrate His coming, I find myself buried in the traditions of the season. It’s a personal thing for me. For some reason it always has been. Yet I totally understand the desire to celebrate with song and ceremony. I married such a one. Linda loved the Christmas season. She loved decorating the house. Buying the perfect gift for each one on her list. Every Christmas season the bins would come down from the loft in the shed and all the years of accumulated items would be dedicatedly placed and replaced throughout the house. Christmas stockings would be hung on the mantle. Poinsettias strategically found their place. Candles, bells, wreaths set free for another couple of weeks until going back into their proper bins and being placed back into the shed for another year. I admit, I could get quite frustrated during those 2 to 3 weeks. Do you really need all the bins this year I would ask? Her response was a positively declared yes! So I would reluctantly pound in a nail on the wall for another Christmas creation to hang. Then came that day. Usually a day or two after New Years celebration that Christmas disappeared as quickly as it came. The house, looking a little bear, now was back to it’s normal uncluttered status. Well, all of this is to say, I miss it. Not necessarily the “stuff” it’s still in the bins in the shed. I miss her excitement and the joy that she experienced each year at this time. I’d give anything to see her smiling face as she decided what goes where. Yes, as much as I grumbled, I miss it.

Merry Christmas to all my friends! May the joy of the Lord fill your hearts during this season. Love your family and friends. Remember that Jesus is the reason for this Christmas season. God has come to us!IMG_1099

One Response to “Merry Christmas”

  1. Love you, Jim! Merry Christmas!🎄🎁🎄

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